Almost every time I make a new recipe for the kiddos I always get the same comments over and over again. They go something like this: "That looks gross" or "I don't like [insert whatever I happen to be making]" or "I'm sure I'm not going to like that" and the list goes on. Most of the time I try to have something nice to say to them about it or just ignore it but sometimes that is the frosting on the cake and mom goes over the edge. Several weeks ago we had a particularly bad week with it. I finally told them, "do you really think I try to make things you don't like?" And to give them credit almost every single time they try something new they actually like it . Heck I have several kids that realized they like asparagus and cauliflower and bacon all because they tried something new. So to get over our bad week I decided to make something "new" that I knew that all of them would love. They loved this pasta. It was simp...