My son came home from scouts the other day and in a very off hand, totally routine way, said, "Mom I told everyone that you would be bring cookies for the Court of Honor on Wednesday." Oh really!! Good thing he said this several days before because he is notorious for forgetting till right before we are to leave somewhere. And I am so glad that he thinks my cookies are good ( remember this post --I think we've come a long ways), enough even to brag to his friends. But because he did volunteer me and because I have been meaning to teach him how to be more proficient in the kitchen, I told him that it was up to him to make the cookies. He chose this recipe because he said it "would be easy" (total boy) and it "looked good" (his stomach rules his life I think already :). I had to help a little bit but he did all the measuring, mixing, and scraping. He even made the frosting. The only hard part was smoothing out the dough--which who cares, it will be ...