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Showing posts from July, 2011


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BLT Pizza--Guest Post

 I am so excited to be guest posting over at Alli-n-Son . Go check out this amazing grilled BLT Pizza that I am sharing. Plus right now I am going to be in the middle of some serious dirt (ie camping, old school style) and wishing I could have one of these babies. So go stop on by, look at this deliciousness, and let her know where you came.

Ultimate Peanut Butter Cookie n' Brownie Bar

You probably can't tell but I have this thing problem  with chocolate and peanut butter. Okay maybe you can tell. When I found this on Pinterest I am immediately called my son in and asked if I could make it for him for his birthday.  He loves chocolate ALMOST as much as I do and he was very happy to oblige my wishes. What a great son! But since I have this thing with chocolate and peanut butter we altered the recipe and found this divine creation.  O.H. M.Y. W.O.R.D. Divine. It probably doesn't help that we covered it in ice cream and hot fudge.  That was his request also and we had one happy boy on his birthday. I mean how could you not be happy with a layer of peanut butter cookie dough, a layer of peanut butter oreos, and then a layer of brownies.  It makes me happy just thinking about it.  So go ahead and make yourself some happiness. Ultimate Peanut Butter Cookie n' Brownie Bar ( click here for printable versio n) 3/4 c. peanut butter 1/2 c. shorteni...

Mango Peach & Strawberry Banana Yogurt Popsicles

I'm off on vacation for a week (if you can call it that, I'm cooking for 25 girls/women at girls camp and then off to a family reunion) so keep checking back.  There will still be new recipes but I won't be available for anything else!  :) We have found a new love at our house.   And no it's not an animal (my husband keeps hoping he will come home from work one day and a dog will be at our house--silly guy, not going to happen!).  It's popsicles.   I remember as a kid making many things in popsicles molds.  It was so fascinating to me stick all sorts of combinations in there and have it come out frozen. I remember trying koolaid (lemonade is the best!), pudding (chocolate, mmm...), and fruit (those didn't turn out so well maybe because I probably just stuck them in there with nothing else).  Oh the joys of cooking as a kid. Then, I realized the other day that I didn't even own popsicles molds.  How crazy is that!  My kids have never had the j...

Bacon Lover's Mac-n-Cheese

Do you ever get tired of the same old versions of what you make for dinner? I do. Sometimes I just can't eat that mac-n-cheese the same way I have been making it for the past 12 years.  Seriously I get so bored of the same old thing.  Not because it's gross but because I want to try something new.  Maybe that's why I have a food blog.  I think I just had an epiphany! Anyways...sometimes random things just jump in my like I was saying...I get bored.  And since my hubby is a HUGE homemade man-n-cheese fan I knew we had to try this.  Plus it's got bacon in it and everything tastes 10 times better with bacon, right?!!? This was delicious.  I think it is going to be THE one way we have mac-n-cheese (at least for the next 12 years).  It was so good I have told 5 different people about it just today.  I love the combination of flavors, all fairly subtle, but so scrumptious. Bacon Lover's Mac-n-Cheese ( click here for printable version ) 12...

We have winners....

Just wanted to let you know that we have winners.  It's #11 Barbara who said, "I like you on facebook!" and #12 Hillary Gadd who said, "I follow your blog. I now follow Dandelion Strings, and I like you on Facebook. Booyah." Congratulations!!  Email me at with your info so I can get you some aprons.

Grandma's Apple Pie

Don't forget to enter the Apron Giveaway down below! I went to a class on pies last week.  It was one of those that I really didn't want to go to because, "gosh I make a lot of pies and I am not going to learn anything new!".  I had a great attitude didn't I.  But I went anyway and I actually learned something new. It wasn't something about pie crust, or filling, or edging it beautifully, or how to make a lattice crust.  Want to know what I learned? Pies are way too good to have only on holidays!  And I say A.M.E.N. to that!!   Now you might think pies are too much work but hey, the deliciousness is so worth the work it takes.  Now I'm the kinda girl that would choose pie over cake so I may be a little biased but pies are awesome. I feel like you can put your heart and soul into a pie and it makes the pie a bowl (okay really a pie plate) full of love.  That's the way this pie is for me.  It's my Grandma's recipe and it beats anything else I h...

A Fun Giveaway!! (Now Closed)

 Are you an apron person? I'm not.  GASP!  I know, I know, but I am trying really hard to be especially because I keep ruining my clothes, which just ticks me off even more.  You would think I would learn faster but alas I just don't remember all the time, which means grease spattered clothes. But this guy that's a different story.  I think I have shared with you how much my youngest loves to cook and bake.  He is always helping me in the kitchen and his favorite game to play is "cooking".  He makes the food (for pretend in case you were wondering) and then he brings it to me to eat.  I love how his face lights up when he is telling me what he has made. Here he is cooking "heart pizza".  He is good and always wears his apron, which he loves, and I love it because it is manly, very well made, and so cute.   And guess who made it for him? Grandma!   My mom loves to sew and is always making wonderful creations for the grandkids and fri...

Butterbeer Cupcakes

One thing you should know about my family: we L.O.V.E. to read. I mean we really, really, really love to read.  I can remember loving to read since I was a little girl.  In fact I use to keep a journal of only books that I had read (sure wish I would of kept that!).  My dream is to have a huge room in my house with floor to ceiling shelves, a fireplace, a big comfy couch, and every book you could imagine.  Ahhh...the dreams, someday I'll get there. My kids love to read as much as I do.  It is a punishment to take their books away and they can always be caught in the middle of some kind of book.  I love to see it and I love how they get so into it they have to tell me all about it.  So fun! We all have favorite books at our house. I am a huge Jane Austen fan, especially Pride and Prejudice.  My hubby loves Orson Scott Card.  My son loves everything from Eragon to the Percy Jackson series.  My daughters love anything with animals.  Bu...

Fancy Dinner Rolls in a Jar

Have you noticed lately how mason jars are all the rage? I love it! Who would of thought that everything and anything could be put in a jar and would be so cute.   I mean I have a bookmark folder just for jars.  Don't you?   (image from uktv ) You can have cupcakes in a jar. (image from Southern Living )  Salad in a jar. (image from Hostess with the Mostess ) Drinks in a jar. (image from Homemade Simple ) Pie in a jar, one of my new favorites, but that's for a different day. Gosh you can even put non food items in jar and made it stinkin' cute.   I love all the ideas I am seeing and wish that I had more jars.  My hubby says I have plenty but seriously...I only have 12 half pint jars, 50 pints jars and 250 quart jars.  You can't make cute things in quart jars you need the fancy half pint ones.  Men don't understand that I guess  or maybe he doesn't want the house overrun with jars which just might happen! Anyway...when I had the chance to make...

Peanut Butter Chocolate Cupcakes

Today I decided to get all of my errands done, or at least attempt to do so.   Errands like wash the car (very important to my 4 year old), go to the bank, pick up the 2 things I forgot on my grocery list, drop off random forgotten items of friends that have been sitting around my house for several weeks, going to Sonic to get a diet coke (very important to me), dropping my son off at violin lessons, and the list goes on. One of our stops was Target.  I sure have a love/hate relationship with that store.  I love all the wonderful things I find (seriously have you checked out the $1 area) but I sure hate how empty my pocketbook is when I leave. Anyways...I had 3 of my own children with me and my niece (she's only 7 months old and staying with us for several days).  We were stopping to get my niece some baby items which I don't have around my house anymore since my 4 year old is not into bibs, baby spoons, or sippy cups. And guess what I saw........okay I will just tel...

Smothered Pork Chops

Today we are celebrating a birthday at our house today.  Nope it's not me (that is coming up soon though, yeah!). It's my oldest child.  He turned eleven very early this morning, yep it was an all nighter.  But that's okay he was sure worth it! I seriously can't believe I have an eleven year old.  What happens to time when you become a parent?  Not only are all your brain cells sucked out, time flies by you without you hardly realizing it.  Totally not fair! This guy though has been waiting "forever" for his birthday and he is so excited that it's finally here.  He is like me in many ways.  He loves to read, he is very good at school, has great aspirations (hopefully all his come true), is quite quirky (okay that trait really comes from his dad), and he loves meat.  A carnivore...just like his mom.   When I made these delicious pork chops the other night, he kept saying he had died and gone to heaven, they were that good.  I love it...

Firecracker Whoopie Pies

Happy 4th of July! I have always loved this holiday.  What a fun day to celebrate this amazing country we live in and heck! we even get to light off fireworks.  So fun. Growing up we would always head down to the closest fireworks shop and buy the most awesome fireworks.  Okay at least to a little kid they were awesome, I mean what gets better than snaps, sparklers,  wheels, snakes, and smoke bombs.  I loved it and would look forward to it for months.  Another thing I loved growing up was Pop Rocks.  Anybody with me on this?  What amazing little candies they are, not to mention the feeling in your mouth (or as my son loves to do, swallow it fast so it starts fizzing in your throat--give it try, feels quite weird!). Now my family (the one I grew up in) has quite the fireworks display and I do have to say it is pretty awesome.  We are quite sorry we missed it this year and our little sparkler party isn't going to have the same feel, but we will...

4th of July Dipped Strawberries

Don't forget to checkout my facebook page. I can't believe the 4th is this weekend.  Do you have fun fireworks and BBQ's planned to celebrate our wonderful country? We are going to be busy hanging out with friends, grillin' up some serious food, lighting off fireworks, going to parades, and trying to stay cool.  I am quite excited, almost as much as the kids, but's that is probably because I am in charge of the desserts and I can't wait. These strawberries are perfect for a party.  They are so easy but fit the 4th of July theme so well.  The best part is that every person I know loves dipped strawberries.  And all it takes are a few ingredients, even better! 4th of July Dipped Strawberries ( click here for printable version ) Strawberries, rinsed and dried (very important that they are dry) White Candy Melts (I prefer Wiltons) or Almond Bark Blue Candy Melts 1.  In microwave safe bowl put white candy melts or almond bark.  Microwave for 1 minute. ...